It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with eye, heart and head. ‘As a privileged observer, my work allows me to capture worldviews, to participate in narratives and to be affected with teeming emotions, experiences and inspirations. My photographs, nonetheless, are not solely born out of my conceptions, and I am indeed thankful to my entire inspirations, to all the artists, technicians (on and off stage) and to all the actors involved who played a significant contribution to deliver my creations. To those who championed my work, and to those who invariably have been by my side, supporting my evolution as a photographer and allowing me not just to live, but to savour photography and that provides me with great pleasure. I endeavour a sense of ownership with my photographical work, because I visualize my photographs even before they are materialised. However, these photographs equally belong to you, since you see, feel and interpret my photographic work. Therefore, I display the photographs in here, hence, the photographs will always be ours.